Photo credit: Anyel Gonzalez

Entrevista: Officer Moore

¡Qué sería de la seguridad de la Escuela sin él!

Darianny Perez: Buenos días, ¿cúal es tu nombre?

Officer Moore: James Moore.

Darianny Perez:  ¿De dónde eres?

Officer Moore: Soy de South Bay Florida.

Darianny Perez:  ¿En qué trabajabas antes de venir a nuestra escuela?

Officer Moore: Yo trabajaba en una prisión oficial de corrección en South Bay Florida.

Darianny Perez:  ¿Que te gustaría hacer en el futuro o te gustaría quedarte en Palm Springs Middle?

Officer Moore: Por ahora yo me quiero quedar como oficial de Palm Springs Middle School.

Darianny Perez: ¿Crees que este Distrito hace un buen trabajo para proteger las escuelas?

Officer Moore: Sí, las escuelas del Condado de Palm Beach tienen su propia fuerza policiaca, y la razón por la que lo hacen es para que puedan controlar el entrenamiento que obtienen esos policías para asegurarse que su formación está relacionada con las escuelas y sus necesidades. De este modo, hacen un buen trabajo para verificar que hagan entrenamiento fuerte para que estén atentos de lo que esta ocurriendo alrededor, siempre alerta.

Darianny Perez:  ¿Que conflictos se producen con los estudiantes habitualmente?

Officer Moore: Peleas, robos, daños a la propiedad escolar también.

Darianny Perez:  ¿Por qué escogiste ser oficial escolar?

Officer Moore Porque vi personas jóvenes entrar a prisión, yo los ayudaba como ejemplo de mentor, y vine aquí porque quería ayudarlos antes de que llegaran a la cárcel, porque si los ayudamos allí, por qué no hacerlo antes, pensé.

Darianny Perez: ¿Qué es lo más difícil a lo que te has enfrentado en esta Escuela?

Officer Moore: Tener que arrestar un estudiante, eso no es mi trabajo primario, mi trabajo primario es la seguridad de los estudiantes y los trabajadores, y no arrestar los estudiantes. Intentamos evadir arrestar estudiantes, es algo que todos queremos no ver o tener que hacer.

Darianny Perez: A pesar de no ser lo preferible, ¿cuántos niños has arrestado en esta escuela?

Officer Moore: Diré que 6 o 7 niños.

Darianny Perez: Muchas gracias por tu tiempo.


Darianny Perez: Good morning, what is your name?

Officer Moore: James Moore.

Darianny Perez:  Where are you from?

Officer Moore: I am from South Bay Florida.

Darianny Perez:  What job did you have before coming to work at Palm Springs as an officer?

Officer Moore: I worked as a prison correction officer in South Bay Florida.

Darianny Perez:  What do you wish to do in the future? Do you want to keep working as a school officer here and why?

Officer Moore: As of right now I plan to stay as a police officer here at Palm Springs Middle School.

Darianny Perez: Do you think this District does a good job protecting their schools?

Officer Moore: Yes, The Palm Beach County School District has its own police force and controls the training that the officers get to make sure that it’s focused on the schools and students and their needs. They do a good job of making sure that we have strong training to be always up to date and aware of what is going on around us with other agencies’ work.

Darianny Perez:  What’s a common thing you see kids do at this school that’s not okay?

Officer Moore: Common is fighting, stealing from each other, and destroying each other’s property as well as school property.

Darianny Perez:  Why did you choose to be a school officer?

Officer Moore:  Because I saw young people enter prison, I helped them as an example of a mentor, and I came here because I wanted to help them before they got to jail, because if we help them there, why not do it first, I thought.

Darianny Perez: What was a difficult situation you faced at this school?

Officer Moore: Having to arrest a student, that’s not what our primary job is here. Our primary job is the safety and security of students and staff. It’s not to just arrest students and give them records. We tried our best to prevent that from happening, and that was very difficult because that’s not something we want to see.

Darianny Perez: How many kids at this school have you arrested?

Officer Moore: In this school, I’m gonna say approximately six or seven.

Darianny Perez: So that’s it, thank you.

BY Darianny Perez

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